EU leaning towards sustainable farming

Europe has always been one of the leaders when it comes to making plans and policies for the rest of countries to learn from. One such group of policies, the EU policies for farmers and agriculture helps farmers in facing different challenges in the agricultural department.
The agriculture policy mainly refers to the better decisions for the farmers and their farms. Recently Farm Europe launched the 2017 edition of farm policies at the European Parliament. The policy includes the strategic approach between EU food system and the overall EU society.
The common EU policies include:
• It helps farmers in producing sufficient amount and quality of food for the Europe.
• It also helps in testing the quality of food and ensures that the quality of food is good.
• The EU policies about agriculture also help their farmers in facing market-related crises.
• It also helps farmers to protect the environment and Animal welfare.
The recent change in EU policy of agriculture
EU agriculture policies changes annually for the betterment of the farmers. Recently the EU policy focused towards:
• The green farming practices.
• Research and spreading of knowledge regarding agricultural products.
• The EU policies are also making moves toward the support of the farmers.
• The EU policies will now be taking an interest in helping their farmers in investing and modernizing their farms.
• EU policy maintains jobs in the food industry.
The EU policy scheme about agriculture is also taking keen interest towards consumer help system. The policy now includes EU Quality labeling system to aware the public about the food quality. This quality labeling scheme includes the labels of traditional ingredients and organic farming. This step will help in making EU farm products competitive against the world’s farms.

EU policies also making a great step towards promoting innovations in food processing by using crop by-products and waste products in producing energy. This policy also helps farmers in making the trade relations better. This will help EU in exporting farm products from developing countries.
The EU policies are also looking forward to helping their farmers in advising on making investments and innovations in the production of agriculture products. The EU has also welcomed 13 new member countries without any increase of budget in farm spending.
The farmers will now make better production decisions according to the market demand. Furthermore, the farmers will also be protected from market crises and price volatility due to the changes in the policies.

The current changes in the agricultural EU policies will help make farmers win against the global farm markets. Hopefully, the change will be a positive one and the policies can be improved down the road.

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