Brexit: New EU referendum warning to May

Theresa May has been cautioned by the Trades Union Congress on the final Brexit deal, saying that it is poised to throw its “full weight” behind calls for a referendum. Frances O’Grady, the Trade Union Congress leader, said that unless the government managed to strike “the deal that working people need” with the European Union, she would demand a “popular vote” Also saying to the BBC “It’s only right that people should get a say”. Another European Union referendum has been ruled out by the government, saying it is working to make a success of Brexit.

This referendum is the request of the People’s Vote campaign, that has the support of some MPs from the two largest parties. We are not calling for another public vote, but that a referendum on the terms of Brexit should be “on the table” Labour says. On the Andrew Marr Show, broadcasted on the BBC, the Trades Union Congress conference gets ongoing in Manchester. Frances O’Grady advised the government to lengthen the United Kingdom’s European Union membership to allow extended negotiations. O’Grady stated, “Time is running out and a crash out of the EU would be an absolute disaster for the people we represent,” adding that people’s main source of income at companies like Jaguar, Airbus and BMW was in danger, and appealing for workers’ rights to be the government’s priority.

France O’Grady went on to say “I want to serve notice to the prime minister today that if we don’t get the deal that working people need, then the Trade Union Congress will be throwing our full weight behind a campaign for a popular vote so that people get a say on whether that deal is good enough or not.” He added that to negotiate a deal, union leaders always confer with their members. The GMB Union announced its backing for the People’s Vote campaign last week. People’s Vote has published polls, implying that most members of GMB, Unite and Unison support the campaign’s pleas to align with the beginning of the Trade Union Congress conference. The YouGov poll, which is made up of more than 2,700 trade unionists, was proof of the “growing momentum” for its campaign.

The Rail, Maritime and Transport unionist, Mick Cash, said trade unionists had voted to leave “in their droves” because they were “sick of austerity” and “the race to the bottom on jobs and pay”. Adding that “The talk of a second vote on the withdrawal terms is a de facto second referendum whichever way you try to dress it up and risks becoming a Trojan horse for civil unrest on our streets.” Carolyn Fairbairn, the CBI director general, was asked whether she supports another European Union referendum. She responded by saying the attention should alternatively be on the government’s Chequers Plan, outlined in a White Paper last month. Ms Fairbairn told BBC Radio 5 Live’s Pienaar’s Politics “Uncertainty is what is really damaging our businesses at the moment”. adding that a failure to reach any deal would be “a catastrophe” for business.