Energy: the demand challenge

Demand for energy is the basic need of any country. The government must provide the required power to their citizens no matter what if they want the community to function.

Europe is also facing a high demand for energy. This high demand also includes reasonable prices and tackling different problems related to it.

The European Union is setting goals for providing energy equally to all the sectors of Europe. The goals include three main parts which are:

  1. Competitive goals in global markets.
  2. Supply of energy while providing security.
  3. Maintaining the energy supply.

Energy union policy for EU:

To maintain the supply of energy, the European Union has made a commission and launched some plans for their citizens. The aim of the commission is to provide environmentally friendly energy for businesses and citizens.

This commission will work to offer better and affordable rates of energy as well as boost job opportunities for their citizens. This energy committee will make sure to provide reasonable rates across EU borders too. Such a program will also be helpful in minimizing household bills.

Europe is one of the low-carbon countries which is helping the world in fighting against global warming. The European Union is also working on the new energy production with innovative technologies. The energy union is also participating in debates on the global energy matters for the sake of improving life in Europe.

Energy union policy includes the goals for the 2030 Energy and climate framework and energy security strategy.

EU energy union targets:

EU energy plans include goals for 2030, 2040 and 2050.  The main goals for 2030 are as follows:

  • At least 20% of energy should be produced from new technologies.
  • Greenhouse gases should be cut down at least 20% as compared to 1990’s levels.
  • Energy efficiency should be improved by at least 20%.

Targets for 2040 includes:

  • 40% gas should be cut down in greenhouse emission.
  • 27% of energy should be produced from new technologies.
  • Energy efficiency should be increased from 27 to 30%.
  • 15% energy should be provided to other EU countries.

The aim is to cut down at least 80 to 95% greenhouse gas emissions.  The EU energy union policies seem to be on the right track to meet their goals. The greenhouse gas emissions have already been cut down by 18%. Hopefully, the energy efficiency will be reaching 19% till 2020.

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