EU farming groups fight back against anti-meat campaigners

For several years, environmental and animal welfare groups have accused the farming industry of causing a range of problems, including unfriendly industrial farming practices, destroying the environment, causing the suffering of animals, and encouraging overconsumption of meat products.

However, a group of stakeholders have launched a campaign to try and fight back against this narrative. They say they aim to “restore balance” by providing information on an online platform with information about how livestock farming is carried out in Europe.

The growing number of anti-meat campaigners, along with increased competition from Ukrainian exports and the threat of increased tariffs after brexit mean that Europe’s meat industry could be in trouble in the coming years.

The group say that the goal is to tell their side of the story, in response to the growing threat of the phasing out of animal farming in Europe as seen through the growth of veganism and increased environmental concerns. The platform aims to tackle myths about farming, as well as fake news and disinformation in the media.

In  addition, campaigners are warning about the effects that eliminating animal farming would have. For example, the industry contributes to individual economies in Europe, especially in rural areas. It also wants to catch up in terms of informing the public.

Alexander Bernhuber, an MEP and farmer, said in an interview: “Personally, I strongly support a regional, European meat production, as it guarantees safety to our farmers but it is also a real solution in the fight against climate change.”

He added that livestock farming can be a “lifeline”, providing jobs for many people in rural areas, and that “nowadays the challenge is to communicate the nutritional, economic and environmental benefits of livestock farmers to consumers.”

Another newly elected MEP, Jérémy Decerle, who  also breeds Charolais kettle in France said: “We must remember that farmers are feeding our citizens and that is unacceptable to see such increased violence against them. We have to take animal farming seriously, trade is not just about Mercedes.