Leaked documents reveal EU plans to get tougher over Brexit negotiations

Brexit negotiations have caused clashes between Brussels and the UK recently, and a newly leaked document is expected to make the situation worse. Newly leaked papers show that the EU is planning to toughen its negotiation stance. Among the proposed measures is the suspension of EU benefits including “participation in the internal market” during the two year transitional period.

The transitional period is when the UK plans to secure a new trade deal with the EU, and the UK says it wants to give businesses time to adapt to its new trading relationship. The suspension of single market access during this period could be very damaging to Britain’s businesses, and especially for the financial services industry as well as businesses to rely heavily on trade with the rest of the union.

In addition to this, the UK would no longer be consulted over fishing quotas, and would not be allowed to take action against the EU in any other international organisations. The papers also detail plans for Britain to be prevented from making challenges or disputes in the European Court of Justice against any rulings that are made by the EU.

The leaked paper states: “In addition, the Governance and Dispute Settlement Part of the Withdrawal Agreement should provide for a mechanism allowing the Union to suspend certain benefits deriving for the United Kingdom from participation in the internal market where it considers that referring the matter to the Court of Justice of the European Union would not bring in appropriate time the necessary remedies.”

However, it’s been noted that this document is only a draft of the UK’s withdrawal agreements. It hasn’t been finalised and nothing has been agreed from either the EU or the UK government. It doesn’t include any information included as to which parts of the single market would be suspended. There is also a lack of detail, and it’s still unclear over what types of disputes could lead to these powers being implemented.

A Department for Exiting the European Union spokesman said: “This is a draft document produced by the EU that simply reflects their stated directives.The Secretary of State set out the UK’s position in his speech in Teesside last month. Together these provide a solid foundation for the negotiations on the implementation period which have begun this week with the aim of reaching agreement by March European Council.”